@strblz This is a little bit late but I received alot of love! thankyou so much for the love guys! <3 I'm going to improve this costume next month! hopefully the arm chainsaw will move next month!(I'm working on it!), I will be working to my Denji's shoes! and also I'm going to change the rotation of the chainsaw! I'm going to make a better improvement to this costume soon! by the way this video was captured last Cosplaymania 2022 day1 or day 2 by Aljan James Mendoza! He's awesome! thankyou bro! and again Thankyou so much and I will be posting more videos soon! #chainsawman #chainsawmancosplay #cosplay #denjichainsawman #denjichainsawmancosplay #cosplaymania2022 #cosmaniaday1 #cosmaniaday2 ♬ CHAINSAW BLOOD - Vaundy
@strblz I think I made the first ever fully functional Chainsawman helmet! #chainsawmancosplay #chainsawman #cosplaying #cosplaypropmaking #cosplay ♬ CCHAINSAW-MAN - YITT.
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